Hon.Joseph Kpattah Highlights Enormous Duties Unit Committees Performed and what electorate must see before Electing them

The presiding Member for Anloga  District Assemby and Torgbui Hatsu III who is the NCCE Director for Anloga District highlight the numerous duties and functions of the Unit Committee Members as the nation approach another election of Assembly members and Unit Committee Members come September 2023.
They made these revelations on the air waves of Volta Region's First Private Radio Station, Jubilee Radio, on the program, '' A Time With NCCE'' hosted by Torgbui Hatsu III.
The Presiding Member(PM) disclosed the duties of unit committees are numerous compared to Assembly members but unfortunately most Ghanaians are ignorant about them , even the Committee Members themselves.
He continued to list some statutory duties performed, among them are: They are the key organisers of communal labour in the  communities and anyone who refuse to show up without permission must put to face the wrath of the law.
Unit Committees are to know the number of schools in their committees, also the number of students and teachers in the school. And also supervise if the teachers are effectively teaching.
Their works also include collecting of development levies from their subjects for projects everyone in the community is aware of.
Another essential function of Unit Committees are the key moderation of Community entry. They normally lead delegations to chiefs and elders incase the community receives or will receive any visitor(s) for a particular purpose that will benefit the community.

Torgbui Hatsu III , also entreats all Assembly members to work hand in with their Unit Committees as they are they are the main advisory committee to the Assembly Member.
Torgbui points there are diciplinary actions to be taken against any Assembly Member who refuse to work with his or her unit committees, made or implement decision without their knowledge if reported.

The Presiding Member conclude and urge all to always elect Unit Committees who can read and write hence it will reach a time in their work where the need arise for their academic manifestation. So to avoid such embarrassing and retarding occurrence , electorates should carefully and neutrally elect their Unit Committees but not on family and friends line for effective work to be done.


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