
Ways to turn Your Bad Dreams upside down while Pregnant

Dreaming is a normal phenomenon, and most of us dream when we are fast asleep. However, sometimes these dreams may not be happy or positive ones. Instead of dreams, some of us even have nightmares. Just like dreams, this is also very common. But if you have nightmares during pregnancy, it may become a cause for concern. Let us find out what may cause nightmares during pregnancy and also learn various ways in which you may keep such experiences at bay, in the following article. The human mind is very complex, and it keeps storing memories in it. Many studies are going on to understand and interpret the human dreams. However, no substantial proof has been found that clearly states why we have certain kinds of dream. But it has been observed that these ethereal images that you see while sleeping may be a result of your thoughts, memories, anxieties and may pop up in your mind in the form of a dream or nightmare. When it is a positive or happy experience, it is termed ‘dream’,

Before You Get into Business, Consider these Clues

1.Look at what people need, not necessarily at what you want when deciding on a business. There will always be things people need and they need them to be done well. Things like garbage disposal, energy creation, providing products to the health and dying industries. In addition, the certainty of customers should not be overlooked lightly. Choose a business that provides what people really need and be prepared to put in the effort to make your products and services either the best, the most price efficient or unique. 2.Have a frugal startup. There is much talk about looking the part. There is not much point looking the part if it cost an arm and a leg to get it and you lack clients to pay for it. Get yourself a fabulous suit that is worn every day and makes you feel confident and ready to meet people but be very careful with your office fit-out and other business elements. Here are some ideas to help you initially: Consider renting offices that someone else furnishes, clean

Note these Superstitious Beliefs in Ghana, that cause fear and panic among Citizems

In Ghana, superstitions and beliefs range from practical advice and social decorum to the downright bizarre and bewildering. Always entertaining and sometimes very informative, here are a few common and some really outlandish)l superstitions. It is a grave insult to give anyone anything with your left hand, as it is the hand traditionally used to clean oneself after using the bathroom Dwarfs with feet pointing backwards live in the forest and will kidnap you if you go deep in the night and you will only be returned home after several months. Maame Water, the deity mermaid of the oceans, demands peace during the run up to Homowo festival so no music can be played in the coastal areas If you sell your soul to the juju man for money, he will come to collect sooner rather than later and you will turn into a goat. Nails should not be clipped at night as they are pieces of your body and can be taken by the spirits to perform evil acts against you A man will become stupid if he wa

Follow These strategies to Manage Your Money effectively

1.Stop spending and be thrifty. This is a key element of becoming a millionaire. Either you have the money in savings or you are spending it on things. You can not have both if you are aiming to become a millionaire. Most millionaires (a net worth of $1 million to $10 million) are living a very frugal and cost-effective life, without hyper-expenditure. This includes: Live beneath your means. A good rule of thumb for your living situation is to spend no more than one-third of your monthly salary on rent. Buy quality clothing but do not pay ridiculous prices. A suit under $400 will do you just fine. Wear inexpensive watches, jewelry, and accessories. Do not collect things. Drive a reliable but affordable car of an ordinary brand. Avoid prestige and luxury brands. Stop comparing yourself to others and trying to keep up with them through spending. 2.Familiarize yourself with savings. If you are used to maxing out the credit card and not saving much, you are going to find it har

Become a Millionaire by following these Steps and Advices

A great many people aspire to become a millionaire, but not so many people are pushing themselves hard enough to reach that particular goal. In a world where being a billionaire is now the new target for the rich, becoming a millionaire is a real possibility for many an average Joe, and it mostly comes down to good management, sensible thinking, and occasional calculated risks. Set yourself concrete goals. Good preparation is an absolute necessity when it comes to endeavors as big as becoming a millionaire. And it all starts with giving yourself concrete, measurable goals that you can keep your eyes on. Perhaps you want to reach millionaire status by a certain age, like 30.Or perhaps your first goal is just to be out of debt within two years. 1.Break bigger goals into more actionable smaller goals. For example, if one of your goals is to have a growing business in a year, start with the goal of fleshing out a business model within the first month. 2.Get a good education. Al

Good news for those who Love Sports

Richard Kwame Sefe is born on Wednesday 11th October ,1972 is a Ghanaian politician and the Member of Parliament for Anlo Constituency in the Parliament of Ghana. He assumed office on 7th January 2021.In the 2020 Ghanaian general election, he contested the seat as the National Democratic Congress candidate and won with a majority of 32,920 votes.He replaced Clement Kofi Humado who had been the MP from January 2005. The honourable MP is orgainising a Justify your Inclusion and Scout Tournament 2022 1st Edition for some 12 Teams which consist of 240 players in Anlo Constituency to promote sporting activities in the Constituency. Since he is sports lover and sport man , he is fulfilling his promise he made in his manifesto to promote his electorates to higher heights in terms of sports. To make the Tournament succeed, he invited bigger Leagues in the Country and outside the country to monitor the whole Tournament to pick best players of their wish. The Tournament is scheduled

Heartbreaking News Hit Footballers in Keta

Citizens of Keta in the Keta Municipal of the Volta Region are very angry with decision of the headmaster of Keta Senior High Technical School to put ban on playing football on the school park. The drama started when the host of Jubilee Sports interviewed a sports journalist Wisdom Dovlo from Fafaa Radio from Dzodze. Mr. Dovlo who was talking about the Duamenefa Tournament, a Regional Tournament organised yearly, disclosed, the headmaster of Keta Senior High Technical School , accepts their proposal to play two of their matches on the school park though there is ban on playing on the park. This did not go well with the panelist on the show, hence they criticize the decision of the headmaster as Partiality. The Panelist could not fathom why the headmaster will allow Duamenefa that is not from Keta to play on the park in addiction to a basketball team from Keta town and later reject every team in Keta from playing on the park. According to the Headmaster Mr. I.K. Dzidzienyo,