Note these Superstitious Beliefs in Ghana, that cause fear and panic among Citizems

In Ghana, superstitions and beliefs range from practical advice and social decorum to the downright bizarre and bewildering. Always entertaining and sometimes very informative, here are a few common and some really outlandish)l superstitions.

It is a grave insult to give anyone anything with your left hand, as it is the hand traditionally used to clean oneself after using the bathroom

Dwarfs with feet pointing backwards live in the forest and will kidnap you if you go deep in the night and you will only be returned home after several months.

Maame Water, the deity mermaid of the oceans, demands peace during the run up to Homowo festival so no music can be played in the coastal areas

If you sell your soul to the juju man for money, he will come to collect sooner rather than later and you will turn into a goat.

Nails should not be clipped at night as they are pieces of your body and can be taken by the spirits to perform evil acts against you

A man will become stupid if he washes a woman’s underwear.Bathing in warm water makes you age faster

If a pregnant woman goes out after 6 pm, the evil eye will harm the baby in the womb.If you stay sealed inside a coffin for a week, you will become rich once you are out.

Walking through cobwebs accidentally is seen as an evil attack on the spirit.


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